Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Created to Worship

I was reading this for my devotion this morning. I couldn't have said it better myself. (This was taken from Chuck Smith's commentary on John 1:14)

"God made man for fellowship. That was the purpose of God creating you, that He might receive that praise and glory and all from your fellowship with Him, that He might enjoy and just receive that joy and blessing of  fellowshipping with you. That's the primary purpose, that we might have fellowship with Him.
Now, if you are not fulfilling that primary purpose of your life, then your life is bound to be empty, unfulfilling and ultimately frustrating. Because you're not fulfilling the basic purpose for which God created you. You're not answering to that basic need and necessity in man of worshipping God, fellowshipping with Him."

It's so funny that even as a Christian, I lose focus so easily of WHY I am here. I get focused on building the life that I have in mind, and it always results in a feeling of emptiness. There is nothing more fulfilling than my relationship with God and my fellowship with Him in prayer, worship and reading His word. How do I get so distracted and forget so easily? But it's amazing how when I set aside the time to enjoy my relationship with Him, I enjoy the other things in my life so much more. 

Thank you Lord for your faithfulness to me! 

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