Sunday, April 24, 2011

START WITH ME......for Christians only.

Ok guys. So we're saved. Awesome. We do everything right. We read the Bible, even pray, do our serving in our ministries. Why the heck are we so burnt out? Why are we so powerless? Why do we still feel like we're missing out on something? We are.

So many things were going through my mind this morning as I lead worship for yet another Easter service. I closed my eyes while singing the all too familiar song, "For All You've Done." I smelled the strong perfume of the lilies just like I did Easters past. I heard the exhortation, "may the Lord bless, you and keep, you, may His face shine upon you..."like I have so many times before. As I looked up, I saw a sea of eyes staring blankly back at us. You could have heard a pin drop in the coldness. I couldn't help but want to scream to break the silence. All I could think was, "What are we missing!? What am I missing?"

If you are anything like me, you're a generally good person. But where exactly does that get us with God? NO where.

Let me start by saying, I am not writing this note to convict you. I am writing it for me. Because I am sick of living a powerless life. If I am saved by the Being that created the galaxy, why am so weak? If I am going to a perfect place when I die, why don't I live like I am?

I obviously don't have all the answers but what I am going to suggest is that we throw it all out. Throw out the same old prayers, the same old songs, the same old routine and get real. I'm not being cliche. Get real! with YOUR God. 

What is going on in your life right now? Are you depressed? Are you lonely? Are you wondering why your love for alcohol still consumes you? Are you fantasizing about what your life would be like if you had done things a little differently? Maybe married that other man? Are you secretly doubting God and His existence and His power? TELL HIM! It's not like He doesn't know.

He created you. He created your passion for life. He designed that need in you to break free from the mold. He placed that love for music in you, that gift for creativity. He gave you that "eye" for beautiful things. He purposed your curiosity in You, so that you could seek and find it all in Him.

So why are we trying so hard to do it all right, instead of going to the source of power to make us right? Let's give up! Let's throw it all down at His feet. Let's stop robbing God of what He did for us on the cross by pretending our only struggle is gossip. Let's get in His word before we spend time on our nails. Let's pour out our doubts and fears to Him before we start the coffee to drown it out.

We have an unlimited source of power at our fingertips and yet we are too lazy to stretch out our hand. It's that simple. Stop trying to do the right thing all the time. Instead, chase him like you chase the things that let you down, and you will find that without even trying, you are exactly who He created you to be. Full of passion and life. Full of grace and love for the unlovable. Full of joy and purpose.

Then maybe we can share our faith with people so naturally, instead of trying to coldly give the Romans road out of fear that we're not a "real Christian" if we don't. Let us allow His power and love to flow so strongly from our lives that our friends and family beg to know the secret to our joy!

Get real with Your God. And then enjoy the life he intended for You. I think David did...

"You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is the fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

-Psalm 16:11

Start with me God. Start with me....

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