Thursday, September 9, 2010

Submission. A rigid word with much fulfillment

Sometimes I laugh when I think about how strange my life must look to an outsider. I am young. 25. I have a little baby girl. I still like to wear the latest trends from forever 21 and I frequently indulge in the guilty pleasure of blaring my favorite music with the sunroof down while sporting my oversized sunglasses and a sticker on the side of the car that says "baby on board." Many times I have found myself on the receiving end of a confused stare. I know I must seem like a crazy, young, careless girl who happens to have a child, (who may are may not have a father present.) But in my heart, it all makes perfect sense.

As I was reading this morning in my devotional, I was struck like a lightening bolt with the topic. It so confirmed in my heart what I have been feeling as I watch people watching my life with a confused blank stare. The topic was on submission. (I can already feel you cringe as you are reading this, but bear with me.) To give you some context, the chapter is actually about prayer and all the aspects of it. We studied how there are natural phases that take place when we pray such as meditation, confession, adoration etc. When I got to submission I confess I was a little skeptical. After all, who enjoys it? So why do it?

The answer? "Therefore, I urge you, [friends], in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship." (Romans 12:1) Did you catch that? There are 2 great reasons for submission in this verse: 1. It pleases God 2. It is our spiritual act of worship. People always think that pleasing God means to closely follow each of the ten commandments, attend church on a regular basis and to pray before each meal. But it's so much simpler than that. (Or is it?) Present yourself to God, to be used by Him.

Now I know why this sounds easier but in fact is much more difficult; we are simply afraid. We are afraid of what will happen if we leave the navigating to God. We are afraid that we might not end up doing what we've always wanted or being what we've always dreamed of. But how many people do you think have actually given themselves completely over to HIS will to find out? I'm guessing not many. But I want to be one of the few. Why? Because I want to please my father God. I want to worship Him with my life. And remember it's all in view of His mercy. What has he done for me? Given up His life on this earth completely. How can I in turn tell Him, "Thanks for the sacrifice and all, but I'm just going to go ahead and keep on doing my own thing." I can't even imagine the heartache.

The chapter in my devotional ended with this beautiful paragraph: "Our devotion results in a conscious yielding of every part of our personality, every ambition, every relationship, and every hope to Him. Submission to God's will is the true heart of worship." I know my life must look so unattractive to most. I don't have a career, I don't have gobs of designer clothes, I don't have lots of money to wine and dine on the weekends, but what I do have I love. I have an amazing husband who loves me with all of his heart, who I am still in love with after 10 years of being in a relationship with him. I have a daughter who brings more joy to my life than any earthly thing imaginable. And I have a father God who is my protector, my creator, my provider, my love and my reason for living. I know to the untrained eye it must look so empty, but I love my life. I am so grateful that I get to spend each day doing the things that are pleasing to Him.

So as I sit here with my MacBook typing away, sipping my decaf coffee with soy, Bible in my lap and baby toys scattered on the floor, I take comfort in knowing that right now, this is my spiritual act of worship! Be challenged my friends. Take the plunge, give in to God. His will is a blessing beyond measure!

1 comment:

  1. It is a great joy to be contented with your own life and not wanting for more or less or for someone else's life. So encouraged to hear all the Lord is showing you.

    Love you Carolyn!
